CSRD law and hearing protection: how to meet the new standards?

CSRD law and hearing protection: how to meet the new standards?

Find out how industrial companies can meet the new standards imposed by the CSRD law in terms of extra-financial reporting. The impact of this directive on communication in noise is explored, highlighting ESRS S2 and S3 standards focused on responsible management of workers and communities.


CSRD law and hearing protection: how to meet the new standards?

The recent adoption of the CSRD (Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive) law by the European Union places industrial companies with new obligations in terms of extra-financial reporting. This directive aims to highlight the commitments and performance of companies in terms of sustainable development, in accordance with the carbon neutrality objective set by Europe by 2050.

Impact of the CSRD on Industrial Companies

Industrial companies, particularly those operating in noisy environments, must take these new sustainable reporting standards into account.

The CSRD emphasizes the environmental, social, and human impacts of businesses, and communication in noise fits perfectly into these categories. Industrial companies, which meet two of the three CSRD criteria (balance sheet of 20 million euros, turnover of 40 million euros, or employing at least 250 employees), are required to communicate annually on their CSR information from 2024.

Summary of ESRS Standards S2 and S3: Responsible Management of Workers and Communities

The ESRS S2 standard focuses on the responsible management of workers in the value chain, upstream and downstream of the company. It includes direct impacts, contributions to impacts, and impacts linked to operations, products, or services. This standard aims to enable readers of sustainability reports to understand how the company affects these workers, steps taken to mitigate negative impacts, and significant risks and opportunities. The ESRS S3 standard addresses the management of impacts on communities affected by the company's activities. It includes direct impacts, contributions to impacts, and impacts linked to business relationships. The goal is to enable readers of sustainability reports to understand how the company influences these communities, the steps taken to mitigate negative impacts, and the associated risks and opportunities.

Louis: an innovative response to new requirements

By facilitating communication in noisy environments, Louis contributes to safety, productivity, and quality of life at work. By promoting effective communication in noisy environments, Safehear contributes not only to the operational performance of its customers, but also to their social and environmental responsibility. Coupled with hearing protection, Louis becomes a real solution to protect against hearing risks linked to the industrial environment and a communication solution that perfectly meets current ESRS standards.

To learn more about how Louis can optimize your communication in noisy environments while meeting CSRD requirements, contact us by email at contact@safehear.fr

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